


2006-2007 Annual Report on the Development of China's Animation Industry

2006-2007 Annual Report on the Development of China's Animation Industry

  • 8200元 电子版
  • 8200元 纸介版
  • 8500元 电子版+纸介版
  • 29897
  • 2007年
  • Email电子版/特快专递
  • 400-007-6266 010-86223221
  • sale@chinabaogao.com
Report Highlights
The animation industry represented by caricature, cartoon, animation, game, and multimedia content products takes a rising position in the global economy, gradually becoming another pillar industry after the software industry. Characterized by broad consumer groups, huge market demand, long product lifecycle, and high value added, the animation industry is a capital-intensive, technology-intensive, knowledge-intensive, and labor-intensive culture industry. At present, it has become a pillar industry in many developed countries. In the 21st century, it will become a dominant sector guiding the development of the world's knowledge economy as a whole.
China is a country with about 500 million consumers for animation and carton products. However, at present, the animation industry does not meet the vast market demand. Supply by far falls short of demand. Meanwhile, China's animation industry faces numerous problems in its rapid development. Supporting system of industry policy, poor original creation capability, incomplete industry chain, and shortage of human resources all hinder its development.
In the face of competition and changes and challenges in the market, CCID Consulting releases the 2006-2007 Annual Report on the Development of China's Animation Industry, which helps enterprises, investors, government departments, and animation industry bases grasp the laws governing the development of China's animation industry in the following aspects, and comb the development course of market segments -
Presenting accurate industry description data, the report depicts the development and changes in the industry in the dimension of market size, number of enterprises, quantity of products, and market segments, to discern the industry's development trend.
It conducts in-depth analysis of the links of the industry chain, and identifies key obstacles for the industry from the angle of literary stories, cartoon production, animated cartoons, audio/video products, derivative products and games, so as to provide pertinent solutions.
Moreover, the report presents objective analysis of industry bases and major enterprises across the country, and sums up the experience of leading industry bases and major enterprises.
Framework of the Report
Main Conclusions
Key Findings
I. Overview of the Global Animation Industry in 2006
(I) Present Situation
1. Industry Size
2. Industry Structure
(II) Development Characteristics
1. Industry Distribution
2. Competition Characteristics
II. Overview of China's Animation Industry in 2006
(I) Development Environment
1. Policy Environment
2. Economic Environment
3. Social Environment
4. Technology Environment
(II) Present Situation
1. Industry Size
2. Industry Structure
(III) Development Characteristics
1. Industry Distribution
2. Competition Characteristics
III. Analysis of the Industry Chain of China's Animation Industry
(I) Structure of Industry Chain
1. Literary Stories & Cartoon Works
2. Animated Cartoons & Audio/Video Products
3. Derivative Products
4. Game Products
(II) Industry Lifecycle
1. Animated Cartoons
3. Derivative Products
4. Game Products
(III) Industry Chain & Profit Status
1. Literary Stories & Cartoon Works
2. Animated Cartoons & Audio/Video Products
3. Derivative Products
4. Game Products
IV. Competition Situation in China's Animation Industry in 2006
(I) Overall Competition Situation
1. Competition between Existing Vendors
2. Potential Entrants & Substitution Products
(II) Competition Strategy in Major Areas
1. Beijing
2. Shanghai
3. Zhejiang
4. Guangdong
5. Sichuan
6. Hunan
(III) Major Enterprises' Competition Strategy
1. Shanda
2. Sunchime Cartoon Group
3. Shanghai Media Group
V. Analysis of the Growth of China's Animation Industry for 2007-2011
(I) Factors Affecting the Industry's Growth
1. Policy
2. Market Competition
(II) Analysis of the Industry's Growth
VI. Development Trend of China's Animation Industry for 2007-2011
(I) Development Trend of the Industry
1. Development Trend of Product Technology
2. Trend of Competition
(II) Forecast
1. Forecast of Industry Size
2. Forecast of Industry Structure
VII. China's Animation Industry Investment Opportunities for 2007-2011
(I) Evaluation Indexes for Investment Value
(II) Evaluation of the Industry Segments' Investment Value
VIII. Recommendations from CCID Consulting
List of Tables
List of Policies of China's Animation Industry
Comparison between China's Animation Production Techniques & Foreign Advanced Techniques
Comparison of Preferential Policies Offered by China's Animation Industry Bases
Assessment of the Overall Competitiveness of China's Animation Industry Bases
List of Shanda's Marketing Strategies in 2006
Shanghai Media Group's Marketing Strategies in 2006
List of Figures
Size of the Global Animation Industry for 2002-2006
Size of the American Animation Industry for 2002-2006
Size of Japan's Animation Industry for 2002-2006
Size of China's Animation Industry for 2002-2006
Structure of the Industry Chain of China's Animation Industry
Regional Market Structure of China's Animation Industry in 2006
Forecast of the Size of China's Animation Industry for 2007-2011


- 波特五力模型分析法
- SWOT分析法
- PEST分析法
- 图表分析法
- 比较与归纳分析法
- 定量分析法
- 预测分析法
- 风险分析法
- 产业链理论
- 生命周期理论
- 产业布局理论
- 进入壁垒理论
- 产业风险理论
- 投资价值理论






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