Chapter One Development summary of tiles industry 1
Section One Concept of tiles 1
First, definition of tiles 1
Second, classification of tiles 1
Section Two Development maturity of tiles industry 2
First, maturity analysis of tiles industry of our country 2
Second, maturity analysis of Foshan tiles industry 2
Third, concentration degree of market analysis of tiles of our country 2
Section Three Tiles market's characteristic analysis 3
First, market scale 3
Second, pattern of market 3
Third, the key factor which influence demand 3
Fourth, main competition factor 4
Fifth, lifespan 4
Chapter Two Development analysis of global tiles industry 6
Section One Analysis of world tiles market 6
First, global ceramics market's characteristic analysis 6
Second, international tiles market's fashion trend of 2009 7
Third, design trend analysis of world tiles of 2009 8
Section Two Tiles market analysis of main country 9
First, analysis of current development situation of Brazilian tiles industry 9
Second, analysis of U.S.A. tiles industry in 2008-2009 9
Third, analysis of European tiles industry in 2008-2009 11
Fourth, analysis of Japan tiles industry in 2008-2009 12
Chapter Three Development analysis of tiles industry of our country 13
Section One Tiles market's overview of our country 13
First, domestic tiles market situation 13
Second, domestic tiles consumption characteristic 13
Third, domestic tiles marketing channel 14
Section Two Development state of China tiles industry 14
First, analysis of development state of tiles industry of 2008 14
Second, development focus of tiles industry of our country in 2009 15
Third, qualification rate analysis of China ceramic tiles of 2009 17
Fourth, consumption market analysis of China tiles in 2009 17
Section Three State between supply and demand of China tiles market 18
First, demand state analysis of tiles market of 2009 18
Second, demand analysis of rural tiles market in 2009 19
Third, impact on tiles market of real estate market of 2009 19
Fourth, ceramics market's consumption demand analysis of 2009 20
Section Four Tiles market analysis of our country 21
First, tiles market's product analysis of the first half of 2009 21
Second, price analysis of calligraphy tiles market of 2009 22
Third, increase situation analysis of crystal polished tile market in 2009 22
Fourth, development tendency of tiles industry's brand of 2010 23
Chapter Four Economical operation analysis of tiles industry 27
Section One Economical operation analysis of tiles industry of 2008-2009 27
First, tiles industry 's main economic indicator of 2008 27
Second, tiles industry's main economic indicator of 2009 29
Third, output analysis of tiles product of our country in 2009 30
Section Two Gross industrial output value analysis of China tiles industry in 2008-2009 32
First, analysis of gross industrial output value of China tiles industry 32
Second, analysis of gross industrial output value of different scale enterprise 32
Third, comparison of gross industrial output value of different ownership enterprises 33
Section Three Analysis of the income from sales of market of China tiles industry in 2008-2009 33
First, analysis of total income from sales of market of China tiles industry 33
Second, analysis of gross income from sales of different scale enterprise 34
Third, comparison of the total income from sales of different ownership enterprises 34
Section Four Product cost analysis of China tiles industry in 2008-2009 35
First, Total value analysis of cost of China tiles industry 35
Second, comparative analysis of selling cost of different scale enterprises 36
Third, comparative analysis of selling cost of different ownership enterprises 37
Section Five Total profit analysis of China tiles industry in 2008-2009 38
First, analysis of total profit of China tiles industry 38
Second, comparative analysis of total profit of different scale enterprises 39
Third, comparative analysis of total profit of different ownership enterprises 39
Chapter Five Imports and exports analysis of tiles industry of our country 40
Section One Imports and exports analysis of tiles products of our country 40
First, amount of money of imports and exports of tiles product of our country in 2008-2009 40
Second, quantity of imports and exports of tiles product of our country in 2008-2009 40
Section Two Imports analysis of tiles products of our country 41
First, amount of money of imports of tiles products of our country in 2008-2009 41
Second, quantity of imports of tiles products of our country in 2008-2009 41
Section Three Exports analysis of tiles product of our country 42
First, amount of money of exports of tiles products of our country in 2008-2009 42
Second, quantity of exports of tiles products of our country in 2008-2009 42
Chapter Six Development analysis of tiles related industry 44
Section One Real estate trade 44
First, gross output value situation of construction of our country of 2008 44
Second, development analysis of construction of our country of 2009 44
Third, running situation of market of real estate of 2009 45
Fourth, market trend and development of the real estate of 2010 49
Section Two Building materials trade 53
First, running situation analysis of the building materials trade of 2009 54
Second, output and market demand of building materials industry of 2009 57
Third, consumption situation analysis of building materials of our country of 2010 59
Fourth, demand analysis of building materials market of our country of 2010 59
Section Three Ceramics trade 60
First, general development trend analysis of ceramics market of our country of 2009 60
Second, ceramics trade's development situation of our country of 2009 61
Third, development prediction of China ceramics trade in 2010 61
Fourth, analysis of opportunity for development of ceramics trade of 2010 62
Section Four Building ceramics trade 63
First, building ceramics trade's development analysis in 2007 63
Second, building ceramics trade's development analysis of 2008 63
Third, building ceramics trade's development analysis of 2009 65
Fourth, state of development and tactics of building ceramics trade of our country 65
Chapter Seven Development analysis of competition product of tiles 67
Section One Stone product industry 67
First, development state of stone product industry of our country of 2008 67
Second, focus analysis of China stone product industry of 2009 69
Third, output analysis of stone product of China of 2009 69
Fourth, exports situation analysis of stone product industry in 2010 70
Section Two Floor trade 72
First, output analysis of floor products of China in 2009 72
Second, prediction analysis of floor market of our country in 2010 72
Third, demand situation analysis of solid wood floor in 2010 74
Fourth, trend of energy-conserving solid wood floor trade in 2010 74
Chapter Eight Development analysis of regional market of tiles 75
Section One Tiles producing region's distribution situation and characteristic analysis of our country 75
First, development analysis of Guangdong producing region 75
Second, development analysis of Shandong producing region 77
Third, development analysis of East China producing region 78
Fourth, development analysis of Fujian producing region 79
Fifth, development analysis of Sichuan producing region 79
Section Two Regional market analysis of tiles of our country of 2009 80
First, Guangdong tiles market analysis of 2009 80
Second, Beijing tiles market analysis of 2009 82
Third, Wuhan tiles market analysis of 2009 83
Fourth, Xi'an tiles market analysis of 2009 86
Chapter Nine Tiles industry's competition pattern analysis 90
Section One Competition situation of key producing region of tiles of 2009 90
First, competition analysis of Foshan tiles of 2009 90
Second, competition analysis of Zibo tiles of 2009 91
Third, competition analysis of Jiajiang tiles of 2009 92
Section Two Tiles industry's competition pattern analysis of 2009-2010 92
First, competition state of domestic tiles market 92
Second, threat analysis of tiles substitute 94
Third, competition pattern of regional market of tiles brand of 2009 95
Fourth, new focus of competition of tiles industry of our country of 2009 96
Fifth, competition analysis of advanced tiles market in 2010 96
Chapter Ten Tiles enterprise's competitive strategy analysis 99
Section One Tiles market's competitive strategy analysis 99
First, tiles enterprise's competitive strategy analysis 99
Second, marketing tactics analysis of China tiles 99
Third, brand tactics of tiles in the global market 103
Section Two Market competitive strategy of tiles leading person 105
First, safeguard the high-quality image 105
Second, expand total demand of the market 105
Third, protect market share 106
Fourth, expand market share 107
Section Three Market competitive strategy of tiles challenger 107
First, positive attack 107
Second, flank attack 108
Third, surround and attack 108
Fourth, circuitous attack 108
Fifth, guerrilla war 108
Chapter Eleven Competition analysis of main tiles enterprise 110
Section One Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company 110
First, company's overview 110
Second, financial analysis of 2009 110
Third, management state of 2009 115
Section Two Hangzhou Nabel Corporation (Group) 115
First, company's overview 115
Second, company's technological analysis 116
Third, company's trends of 2009 116
Section Three Guangdong Wonderful Ceramics Co., Ltd 117
First, company's overview 117
Second, Marco Polo’s brand value of 2009 117
Third, company's trends of 2009 118
Section Four Champion building materials group 119
First, company's overview 119
Second, brand strategy of tiles of 2009 119
Third, company's trends of 2009 120
Section Five Guangdong DongPeng ceramics Limited Company 120
First, company's overview 120
Second, management state of 2009 121
Third, company's tactics of 2009 122
Chapter Twelve Development trend analysis of tiles industry 123
Section One China tiles market's trend analysis of 2009-2012 123
First, prediction of the development trend of tiles industry in 2010-2012 123
Second, trend that imported tiles found the factory at home in 2010-2012 124
Third, technology trend of China tiles products of 2010-2012 124
Fourth, prediction of output, production capacity of ceramic tiles in 2010-2012 127
Section Two Fashion trend analysis of tiles market in 2010-2012 129
First, tiles market's fashion trend summarization of our country in 2009 129
Second, fashion trend analysis of tiles market in 2010-2012 132
Third, consumption trend analysis of tiles of our country in 2010-2012 134
Fourth, analysisand prediction of fashion trend of tiles in 2010-2012 136
Chapter Thirteen Tiles industry's investment environmental analysis 139
Section One Environmental analysis of economic development 139
First, China's macroscopical economic development analysis of 2009 139
Second, China's industrial economical operation analysis of 2009 140
Third, the economy and policy prospect of China of 2010 140
Section Two Environmental analysis of the policies and regulations 140
First, " National standard of ceramic tiles " analysis 140
Second, issue new norm for quality supervision and implement of ceramic tiles 141
Third, norm analysis of building ceramics products 142
Section Three Environmental analysis of the social development 142
First, income level of resident of our country of 2008-2009 142
Second, analysis of consumption of resident of our country of 2008-2009 143
Third, living standard analysis of the residents of our country of 2009 144
Chapter Fourteen Tiles industry's investment chance and risk 146
Section One Tiles industry's investment situation analysis 146
First, investment chance and risk of tiles in 2009 146
Second, opportunity and challenge that building materials go to the countryside in 2010 146
Section Two Tiles industry's investment chance analysis 149
First, regional investment chance analysis of ceramics enterprise 149
Second, antibacterial ceramics becomes the popular investment spot 149
Third, new business opportunity that nanotechnology brings 149
Section Three Tiles industry's investment risk analysis 150
First, ceramics industry's investment risk 150
Second, building ceramics trade's investment risk analysis 156
Third, the investment of Foshan ceramics trade should be cautious 158
Section Four Risk prewarning of tiles foreign trade of 2010 159
First, foreign trade situation of our country of 2009 159
Second, risk prewarning of foreign trade of our country of 2010 160
Third, change and influence of the exchange rate of RMB in 2010 161
Fourth, risk prewarning of foreign trade of tiles in 2009-2010 161
Chart: Ranking of sale of tiles brands of some city in the whole country in January - May of 2009 17
Chart: Ranking of sale of tiles brands of Beijing in January - May of 2009 18
Chart: National total of main economic indicator of ceramics products manufacturing industry in January - December of 2008 27
Chart: National total of main economic indicator of ceramics products manufacturing industry in January - December of 2009 29
Chart: National total of output of porcelain tile in January - December of 2009 31
Chart: National total of output of vitrified tile in January - December of 2009 31
Chart: National total of output of fine stoneware tile in January - December of 2009 31
Chart: National total of output of stoneware tile in January - December of 2009 32
Chart: National total of output of fine earthenware tile in January - December of 2009 32
Chart: Gross industrial output value of ceramics products manufacturing industry in January - December of 2008 32
Chart: Enterprise's gross industrial output value of different scale of manufacturing industry of ceramics products in January - December of 2008 33
Chart: Gross industrial output value of different ownership enterprises of ceramics products manufacturing industry in January - December of 2008 33
Chart: Sales value of industry of ceramics products manufacturing industry in January - December of 2009 34
Chart: Sales value of industry of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different scale in January - December of 2009 34
Chart: Sales value of industry of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different ownership in January - December of 2009 34
Chart: Cost of core business of ceramics products in January - November of 2009 35
Chart: Business expense of ceramics products in January - November of 2009 35
Chart: Management expense of ceramics products in January - November of 2009 35
Chart: Financial expenses of ceramics products in January - November of 2009 35
Chart: Core business cost of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different scale in January - November of 2009 36
Chart: Business expense of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different scale in January - November of 2009 36
Chart: Management expense of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different scale in January - November of 2009 36
Chart: Financial expenses of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different scale in January - November of 2009 36
Chart: Core business cost of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different ownership in January - November of 2009 37
Chart: Business expense of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different ownership in January - November of 2009 37
Chart: Management expense of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different ownership in January - November of 2009 38
Chart: Financial expenses of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different ownership in January - November of 2009 38
Chart: Total profit of ceramics products manufacturing industry in January - December of 2009 39
Chart: Total profit of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different scale in January - November of 2009 39
Chart: Total profit of ceramics products manufacturing industry enterprises of different ownership in January - November of 2009 39
Chart: Amount of money of imports and exports of glazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic in January - December of 2008 40
Chart: Amount of money of imports and exports of unglazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic in January - December of 2008 40
Chart: Quantity of imports and exports of glazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic of our country in 2008-2009 40
Chart: Quantity of imports and exports of unglazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic of our country in 2008-2009 41
Chart: Amount of money of imports of glazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic of our country in 2008-2009 41
Chart: Amount of money of imports of unglazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic of our country in 2008-2009 41
Chart:Quantity of imports of glazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic of our country in 2008-2009 41
Chart:Quantity of imports of unglazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic of our country in 2008-2009 42
Chart: Amount of money of exports of glazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic of our country in 2008-2009 42
Chart: Amount of money of exports of unglazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic of our country in 2008-2009 42
Quantity Chart:Quantity of exports of glazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic of our country in 2008-2009 42
Chart:Quantity of exports of unglazed ceramics wall tile、pavement tile、mosaic of our country in 2008-2009 43
Chart: National prosperous index trend picture of development of real estate of 2009-2010 53
Chart: Imports data of stone product in January - December of 2008 68
Chart: Exports data of stone product in January - December of 2008 69
Chart: National total output of natural marble for building slab in January - December of 2009 70
Chart: National total output of natural granite for building slab in January - December of 2009 70
Chart: National total output of solid wood wooden floor in January - December of 2009 72
Chart: National total output of laminate wooden floor in January - December of 2009 72
Chart: Sales rank of tiles brand of Beijing market of the first half of 2009 82
Chart: The core business forms of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 110
Chart: Index of per share of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 111
Chart: Earning capacity of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 112
Chart: Operating capacity of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 112
Chart: Coverage capacity of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 112
Chart: Capital structure of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 113
Chart: Development capacity of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 113
Chart: Cash flow of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 113
Chart: Revenue from main operation of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 113
Chart: Income from main operation of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 114
Chart: Operating profit of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 114
Chart: Total profit of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 114
Chart: Net profit of Shanghai CIMIC building ceramics Limited Company in 2009 115
Chart: The attention factor while consumers purchase tiles in 2009 129
Chart: The most popular specification of tiles product of 2009 130
Chart: Price range of tiles in great demand in 2009 132
Chart: Rural per-capita net income and its growth rate of our country of 2004-2008 142
Chart: Per capita disposable income and growth rate of urban residents of our country of 2004-2008 143
